salt city grants

grant services for
Syracuse, NY & beyond

Unlock Your Community’s Power

Do you need comprehensive grant services in order to fund your project or program, and achieve your community goals? Then you’re in the right place!

I’m Kelly, a certified grant writer with almost two decades in nonprofit leadership. I partner with organizations who improve their communities through compassionate and collaborative projects. You’re doing impactful work and have a new idea, but don’t have the time to dedicate to grant writing, or don’t know where to start.

That’s where I step in! With me, you get a professional grant writer, project manager, funding strategist, and nonprofit expert all in one!

Leadership life is busy…

don’t go it alone

I provide an array of consulting services to meet your organization’s individualized needs.

I start by meeting the key members of your team to discuss where you are, and more importantly, where you want to be. From there, I create a strategy tailored to your team’s goals.

Let Salt City Grants support the impactful work you’re doing for your community.

Professional grant consultant Kelly Ocampo meeting with a nonprofit director to discuss grant strategy, at Salt City Grants in Syracus, NY.
There is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about.
— Margaret J. Wheatley

Are you ready to get started?