Meet Me

Grant Consultant Kelly Ocampo at Salt City Grants in Syracus, NY.

connecting you with resources for causes you care about

My Mission

In the busy world of nonprofit leadership, there are many hats you’re expected to wear: strategic planning, board development, fundraising – just to name a few. But the last time you looked in the mirror, you only had one head! You don’t have time for grant writing. Or you have the time but don’t know where to start.

If you want to stop wasting time and money, and maximize your organizational resources…

Or end the cycle of chasing grants haphazardly, and implement a proven strategy for winning grants…

Certified professional grant writer, funding strategist and nonprofit consultant Kelly Ocampo at her office at Salt City Grants, ready for remote grant consulting with nonprofits in Syracus, NY and beyond.

Kelly Ocampo

owner and lead consultant of Salt City Grants

I’ve seen firsthand the impact money (or lack thereof) has on communities.

As the youngest of five, I grew up in a family without disposable income. I was the first to attend college, and proudly supported myself while earning a graduate degree in education.

With 18 years of progressive nonprofit experience in developmental and mental health human services, I have dedicated my life to helping people who face systemic barriers.

Now certified in grant writing through a global grant writing collective, I’m thrilled to support a variety of organizations in achieving their funding goals.

If your organization is passionate about your local community, inclusion and equity, youth, or animal welfare then I’m excited to collaborate with you! If your organization doesn’t check one of those boxes, that’s OK! I’m happy to work with any organization that aligns with my values.

Experienced grant writer Kelly Ocampo eating a cupcake with confetti icing, celebrating winning grant funding.

When I’m not behind my laptop

you’ll find me

baking something sweet

outside in the sunshine or snow

with dirt under my nails from my garden

exploring Syracuse’s many cultural festivals or locally-owned businesses

taking something broken or ugly and turning it into something beautiful and useful

on a weird and wild adventure with my husband and two rescue dogs

traveling to new places (or favorite places again)