
Funding Strategy

Funding strategy expert Kelly Ocampo at her desk, working on grant budget and funding strategy for nonprofits.

Break the cycle of haphazardly chasing grants and improve your win rate. Let Salt City Grants create a roadmap for your organization! We will research 100s of funding opportunities and strategically choose top pursuits for your organization.

Grant Writing

Professional grant writer Kelly Ocampo using her certified grant writing skills to submit grant applications and win funding.

From simple to complex applications, Salt City Grants can help. Certified in grant writing and skilled in project management, we have the tools to put together a meticulous grant application for your organization.


Professional grant consultant Kelly Ocampo does funder outreach for nonprofits online.

Do you want to stand out to funders? Let Salt City Grants create a visually stunning document to use during funder outreach. Once created, we will send it to you for review and meet again for any changes. You can request 2 more rounds of edits within a month. 

Grant Review

Grant consultant Kelly Ocampo draws on her grant writing certification to review grant applications for nonprofits in Syracus, NY and beyond.

Do you want to make sure your application is the best it can be? Let Salt City Grants be your 2nd set of eyes. Your completed application will be reviewed alongside the funding guidelines to make sure your T’s are crossed and I’s are dotted!


Schedule a discovery call today

Nonprofit expert Kelly Ocampo considers a grant narrative and does grant research at her desk.

Community is Essential

You do commendable work to improve your communities, but it’s not free. You have great ideas, but you need funding to accomplish your goals. 

We offer a variety of options to meet your unique needs. Whether you need help with writing or editing, or need a punchy marketing tool to promote your project, we’ve got you covered.

Salt City Grants specializes in Funding Strategies, and will always recommend that first to prospective clients.

What is a Funding Strategy?

Simply put, it’s a roadmap.

Funding strategy expert Kelly Ocampo does research to find the best grants with the highest change of winning grant funding.

A Funding Strategy is the process of intentional planning to uncover the best grants for your organization to pursue. We sift through hundreds of opportunities, applying a reliable research method to narrow it down to the top pursuits worth your organization’s time and energy. 

While you’re busy making an impact, let Salt City Grants do the heavy lifting. Our Funding Strategies will improve your win rate and inspire your team to move in the same direction!

Every Funding Strategy includes:

  • A 90-minute kick-off meeting with your team to gather information on your project and identify areas that may still need development early on in the process.

  • A Project Planning Toolkit detailing 10 critical project topics such as impact, collaborators, and sustainability. Specific language from the toolkit can later be utilized in grant applications.

  • Grants sourced from multiple areas such as local contributors, private foundations, and state/federal grants to maximize funding opportunities.

  • Expert research to narrow down 100s of opportunities to the best pursuits. We’ll ensure your project is eligible, aligns with the funder’s giving priorities, and the chances of award are high.

  • A well-vetted list of up to 10 grants for your organization to pursue.

  • 2 virtual meetings with your team throughout the 6-8 week development process - scheduled at the midway point and at the end after final hand-off.

  • Expert project management to assist your team from start to finish.

  • The collective power of a global grant community for any “out of the box” situations or questions that pop up.

Don’t see what you need?

Let’s discuss how I can help.